commune, gender relations, freedom, equality, justice, collectivism, utopia, project
1. Fur'e Sh. Izbrannye sochineniya: v 2 t. T. 1: Teoriya chetyrekh dvizheniy i vseobshchikh sudeb: Prospekt i anons otkrytiya = Selected Works: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: The Theory of the Four Movements and Universal Destinies: Prospectus and Announcement of the Opening. Moscow: Sotsekgiz, 1938:312. (In Russ.)
2. Fur'e Sh. Izbrannye sochineniya: v 2 t. T. 2: Novyy promyshlennyy i obshchestvennyy mir ili izobretenie metoda privlekatel'noy i estestvennoy industrii organizovannoy po seriyam, postroennym na strastyakh = Selected works: in 2 volumes. Volume 2: The new industrial and social world or the invention of a method of attractive and natural industry organized in series built on passions. Moscow: Sotsekgiz, 1939:466. (In Russ.)
3. Tugan-Baranovskiy M.I. V poiskakh novogo mira: sotsialisticheskie obshchiny nashego vremeni = In search of a new world: socialist communities of our time. Moscow: Vserossiyskiy tsentral'nyy soyuz potrebitel'skikh obshchestv, 1919:128. (In Russ.)
4. Fur'e Sh. New love world. Traktaty o lyubvi: sb. tekstov = Treatises on love: collection of texts. Moscow: Institut filosofii RAN, 1994:21–32. (In Russ.)
5. Fogt A. Sotsial'nye utopii = Social utopias. Translated from German by N. Storozhenko. Moscow: URSS: KomKniga, 2007:175. (In Russ.)
6. Kropotkin P.A. Anarkhiya = Anarchy. Moscow: Ayris-press, 2002:683. (In Russ.)
7. Bakunin M.A. Anarkhiya i Poryadok = Anarchy and order. Moscow: EKSMO-Press, 2000:701. (In Russ.)
8. Bakunin M.A. Izbrannye filosofskie sochineniya i pis'ma = Selected philosophical writings and letters. Moscow: Mysl', 1987:573. (In Russ.)
9. Kropotkin P.A. Etika = Ethics. Moscow: Politizdat, 1991:493. (In Russ.)
10. Bakunin M.A. Sobranie sochineniy i pisem 1828–1876. V 4 t. T. 4: V tyur'makh i ssylke. 1849–1861 = Collected works and letters 1828–1876. In 4 volumes. Vol. 4: In prisons and exile. 1849–1861. Moscow: Izd-vo Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva politkatorzhan i ssyl'no-pereselentsev, 1935:621. (In Russ.)
11. Kropotkin P.A. Rechi buntovshchika = Speeches of a rebel. Translated from French by N. and S. Tamamshev. Moscow: URSS: Librokom, 2016:184. (In Russ.)
12. Kropotkin P.A. Khleb i volya = Bread and will. Moscow: Tipografiya Moskovskogo Soveta Soldatskikh Deputatov № 400, 1917:164. (In Russ.)
13. Borovoy A.A. Anarkhizm = Anarchism. Moscow: URSS: Librokom, 2009:168. (In Russ.)
14. Grav Zh. Budushchee obshchestvo: perevod s vos'mogo frantsuzskogo izdaniya = The future society: translation from the eighth french edition. Moscow: URSS: Librokom, 2009:226. (In Russ.)
15. El'tsbakher P. Sushchnost' anarkhizma = The essence of anarchism. Minsk: Kharvest; Moscow: AST, 2001:272. (In Russ.)
16. Mitina N.G. Pan-anarchist project of the Gordin brothers. Nauka. Obshchestvo. Gosudarstvo = Science. Society. State. 2024;12(2):131–138. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-2-13
17. Bogdanov A.A. Voprosy sotsializma: Raboty raznykh let = Issues of socialism: works of different years. Moscow: Politizdat, 1990:477. (In Russ.)
18. Gordin A.L., Gordin V.L., Geller L.M. Anarkhiya v mechte. Publikatsii 1917–1919 godov i stat'ya Leonida Gellera «Anarkhizm, modernizm, avangard, revolyutsiya. O brat'yakh Gordinykh» = Anarchy in a dream. Publications of 1917–1919 and Leonid Geller’s article “Anarchism, modernism, avant-garde, revolution. About the Gordin brothers". Moscow: Gileya, 2019:442. (In Russ.)
19. Bogdanov A.A. Tektologiya: vseobshchaya organizatsionnaya nauka: v dvukh knigakh: Kn. 1 = Tectology: a general organizational science: in two books: Book 1. Moscow: Ekonomika, 1989:303. (In Russ.)
20. Bogdanov A.A. Tektologiya: vseobshchaya organizatsionnaya nauka: v dvukh knigakh: Kn. 2 = Tectology: a general organizational science: in two books: Book 2. Moscow: Ekonomika, 1989:350. (In Russ.)
21. Gordin A.L. Interindividualizm = Interindividualism. Moscow: Izd. A.U.I., 1922:229. (In Russ.)
22. Talerov P.I. (comp.). Anarkhizm: pro et contra: sotsial'no-politicheskoe yavlenie glazami ego rossiyskikh storonnikov, kritikov i otechestvennykh uchenykh-issledovateley: antologiya = Anarchism: pro et contra: a socio-political phenomenon through the eyes of its Russian supporters, critics and domestic researchers: anthology. Saint Petersburg: Russkaya khristianskaya gumanitarnaya akademiya, 2015:1142. (In Russ.)
23. Arvatov B. Aleksey Gastev. "A Pack of Orders", Riga 1921 LEF: zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv = LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts. 1923;(1):243–245. (In Russ.)
24. Arvatov B. Speech creation: (Regarding "abstruse" poetry). LEF: zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv = LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts. 1923;(2):79–91. (In Russ.)
25. Gordin V.L., Gordin A.L. Izobret-pitanie: (Kak vykhod iz vsekh sovremennykh tupikov-razrukh i kak put' k bessmertiyu): Opyt populyarnogo ocherka zhizneizobretatel'stva: per. s yaz. AO i Skoroizobretpisi = Invent-nutrition: (How to get out of all modern dead ends and ruins and get to immortality): An essay on a popular topic of life-invention: trans from Skoroizobretpis language. Moscow: Izd-vo Vseizobretal'ni, 1921:110. (In Russ.)
26. Gordin V.L. Plan chelovechestva (vnegosudarstvennikov-vseizobretateley). Kn. 1: Perevod s yazyka chelovechestva AO i skoroizobretopisi = The Plan of Humanity (Non-State-Inventors). Book 1: Translation from the Language of Humanity of AO and Skoroizobretopis. Izd. Vseizobretal'ni. Moscow: b. i., [191-]:112. (In Russ.)
27. Kuchinov E. (comp.). Brat'ya Gordiny. Strana Anarkhiya (utopii) = The Gordin brothers. The Country of Anarchy (utopias). Moscow: Common Place, 2019:302. (In Russ.)
28. Gloveli G.D. Three utopias by Aleksandr Bogdanov (Red Star, Engineer Manny, Tectology). Sotsiokul'turnye utopii XX veka. Vyp. 6. Referativnyy sbornik = Sociocultural utopias of the 20th Century. Issue 6. Abstract collection. Moscow: INION AN SSSR, 1988:71–96. (In Russ.)
29. Gastev A. Yunost', idi! = Youth, go! Moscow: VTsSPS, 1923:72. (In Russ.)
30. Gastev A. Poeziya rabochego udara = Poetry of the working blow. Petrograd: Proletkul't, 1918:149. (In Russ.)
31. Arvatov B. Iskusstvo i klassy = Art and classes. Moscow: Petrograd: Gos. izd-vo, 1923:87. (In Russ.)
32. Fedotova V.G., Smirnova N.M., Barbasov A.V. et al. Teoriya i zhiznennyy mir cheloveka = Theory and the life world of man. Moscow: IFRAN, 1995:204. (In Russ.)
33. Baranov N.V. (ed.). Vseobshchaya istoriya arkhitektury v 12 t. T. 12, kn. 1: Arkhitektura SSSR = General history of architecture in 12 volumes. Volume 12, Book 1: Architecture of the USSR. Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1975:753. (In Russ.)
34. Kuz'min V. About working housing construction. Sovremennaya arkhitektura = Modern architecture. 1928;(3):82–83. (In Russ.)
35. Yalovkin F. About the house of workers. Sovremennaya arkhitektura = Modern architecture. 1928;(3):81–82. (In Russ.)
36. Valuev D.V. "To everyone's surprise, the builders erected..."The Commune Tower". The Commune House in Smolensk: the history of its construction and fate. Sovetskiy proekt. 1917–1930-e gg.: etapy i mekhanizmy realizatsii: sb. st. Ekaterinburg: Ural'skiy federal'nyy universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B.N. El'tsina = Soviet project. 1917–1930s: stages and mechanisms of implementation: St. Petersburg: Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Eltsin. 2018:343–352. (In Russ.)
37. Arkhitektor Kuz'min. The problem of scientific organization of everyday life. Sovremennaya arkhitektura = Modern architecture. 1930;(3):27–32. (In Russ.)
38. Kovalenko Sv. (comp.). Anna Akhmatova: Pro et Contra: Antologiya: v 2 t. T. 1 = Anna Akhmatova: Pro and contra: Anthology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. Saint Petersburg: Izd-vo Rus. Khristian. gumanit. in-ta, 2001:964. (In Russ.)
39. Nendza-Shchikoniovska K. Private means political. Utopia of Nikolay Kuzmin's home community and its modern private collection centers (translated from Polish by Tatyanya Pirusskaya). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie = New literary review. 2021;(1):49–61. (In Russ.)
40. Arvatov B. Nikolay Tarabukin. From easel to car. LEF: zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv = LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts. 1923;(4):210–211. (In Russ.)
41. Arvatov B. Utopia or science? LEF: zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv = LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts. 1923;(4):16–21. (In Russ.)
42. Arvatov B. et alWhat does LEF fight for? LEF: zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv = LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts. 1923;(1):3–7. (In Russ.)
43. Arvatov B. Production art and LEF. Iskusstvo i proizvodstvo: sb. st. = Art and production: proceedings. Moscow: Proletkul't, 1926:87–93. (In Russ.)
44. Mamedov G., Shatalova O. Architecture, space, sex: the Kollontai commune in Frunze in the 1970s. Bishkek utopicheskiy: sb. tekstov = Utopian Bishkek: collection of texts. Bishkek: Shtab, 2015:168–191. (In Russ.)
45. Historical materialism, Soviet power and gender issues at the present stage. Report from the archive of the "A. M. Kollontai Commune". Bishkek utopicheskiy: sb. Tekstov = Utopian Bishkek: collection of texts. Bishkek: Shtab, 2015:192–204. (In Russ.)